Editing with the VT100 is accomplished by using various commands to cause the VT100 to move or delete text on the screen. The actual editing is performed by a remote computer, the VT100 merely enables the user to view the result.See CURSOR, ERASING, SCROLLING
CURSOR MOVEMENT COMMANDSCursor up <ESC>[PnA ( Pn is the number of spaces to move ) Cursor down <ESC>[PnB ( cursor stops at margins ) Cursor right <ESC>[PnC Cursor left <ESC>[PnD Move cursor <ESC>[Pl;PcH ( Pl is new line no., Pc is column ) Move cursor <ESC>[Pl;Pcf Index <ESC>D ( down one line, scroll if at bottom ) Next line <ESC>E ( move to column 1 of next line, scroll up if at bottom ) Reverse index <ESC>M ( up one line, scroll down if at top ) Save cursor & <ESC>7 attributes Restore cursor <ESC>8 & attributes
LINE SIZE COMMANDS<ESC>#3 Change current line to double-height top half <ESC>#4 Change current line to double-height bottom half <ESC>#5 Change current line to single-width single-height (normal) <ESC>#6 Change current line to double-width single-height
Size attributes are mutually exclusive, and apply to the whole line.
#3Double-height top half #4Double-height bottom half
#6Double-width, single-height
where Ps = 0 or none All attributes off 1 [1mBold on[m 4 [4mUnderscore on[m 5 [5mBlink on[m 7 [7mReverse video on[m
These attributes apply to subsequent characters sent to the terminal, not to a particular screen location. Without advanced video option, attributes are mutually exclusive. With AVO, they are not.
ERASING<ESC>[K From cursor to end of line <ESC>[0K From cursor to end of line <ESC>[1K From cursor to start of line <ESC>[2K Entire line containing cursor <ESC>[J From cursor to end of screen <ESC>[0J From cursor to end of screen <ESC>[1J From cursor to start of screen <ESC>[2J Entire screen
Ps= 0 or none All OFF 1 L1 ON[1q 2 L2 ON[2q 3 L3 ON[3q 4 L4 ON[4q [q
CHARACTER SETSPrimary set (G0) is selected on reset and by SI (^O, octal 17) Secondary set (G1) is selected by SO (^N, octal 16)
Character set Set G0 Set G1 -------------------------------------- UK <ESC>(A <ESC>)A eg.(A # US <ESC>(B <ESC>)B eg.(B # Graphics <ESC>(0 <ESC>)0 eg.(0 fgtnu(B Special ROM <ESC>(1 <ESC>)1 eg.(1 fgtnu(B Special graphic <ESC>(2 <ESC>)2 eg.(2 fgtnu(B
See GRAPHICS for the line-drawing & graphic set
SET SCROLLING REGION<ESC>[Pt;Pbr where Pt is the line no. of the top line and Pb is the line number of the bottom line
Line 1 is the topmost line & line 24 is the last
SET TAB STOPS<ESC>H Set tab at cursor column <ESC>[g Clear tab at cursor column <ESC>[0g Clear tab at cursor column <ESC>[3g Clear all tabs
Mode name Mode Set Mode Reset ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Linefeed/newline newline <ESC>[20h Linefeed <ESC>[20l Cursor key mode Application <ESC>[?1h Cursor <ESC>[?1l ANSII/VT52 mode ANSII <ESC>< VT52 <ESC>[?2l Column mode 132 col. <ESC>[?3h 80 col. <ESC>[?3l Scrolling mode Smooth <ESC>[?4h Jump <ESC>[?4l Screen video mode Black on wht <ESC>[?5h White on blk <ESC>[?5l Origin mode Relative <ESC>[?6h Absolute <ESC>[?6l Wraparound On <ESC>[?7h Off <ESC>[?7l Auto key repeat On <ESC>[?8h Off <ESC>[?8l Interlaced video On <ESC>[?9h Off <ESC>[?9l Graphic proc. option On <ESC>1 Off <ESC>2 Keypad mode Application <ESC>= Numeric <ESC>>
Report Query Response ----------------------------------------- Cursor position <ESC>[6n <ESC>[Pl;PcR Status report <ESC>[c <ESC>[?1;Psc or 'what are you' Status report <ESC>[0c <ESC>[?1;Psc
Where Pl is line number, Pc is column no. Ps is status word
Ps = 0 Basic VT100, no options 1 VT100 with processor option (STP) 2 VT100 with advanced video (AVO) 4 VT100 with graphic processor (GPO)
RESET <ESC>c Resets VT100 to power-up state
CONFIDENCE TESTS<ESC>#8 Fill screen with EEEEE <ESC>[2;Psy Invoke test Ps
Ps = 1 Power up test (ROM, RAM, NVR, keyboard & AVO) 2 Data loop-back ( requires cable ) 4 EIA modem control (requires cable) 8 Repeat test till failure
or combinations thereof
VT52 COMPATIBLE MODE<ESC>A Cursor up <ESC>B Cursor down <ESC>C Cursor right <ESC>D Cursor left <ESC>F Select graphics characters (VT100 set not the same as VT52) <ESC>G Select ASCII set <ESC>H Home cursor ( move to (1,1) ) <ESC>I Reverse linefeed <ESC>J Erase to end of screen <ESC>K Erase to end of line <ESC>YPlPc Direct cursor address Pl - line, Pc - column <ESC>Z Identify - response is <ESC>/Z <ESC>= Enter keypad application mode <ESC>> Enter keypad numeric mode <ESC>< Enter ANSII mode
For keypad codes see KEYPAD
AUXILIARY KEYPAD CODESKey ANSII ANSII VT52 VT52 numeric application numeric application ------------------------------------------------------------------- , , <ESC>Ol , <ESC>?l - - <ESC>Om - <ESC>?m . . <ESC>On . <ESC>?n
0 0 <ESC>Op 0 <ESC>?p 1 1 <ESC>Oq 1 <ESC>?q 2 2 <ESC>Or 2 <ESC>?r 3 3 <ESC>Os 3 <ESC>?s 4 4 <ESC>Ot 4 <ESC>?t 5 5 <ESC>Ou 5 <ESC>?u 6 6 <ESC>Ov 6 <ESC>?v 7 7 <ESC>Ow 7 <ESC>?w 8 8 <ESC>Ox 8 <ESC>?x 9 9 <ESC>Oy 9 <ESC>?y
)0 Octal Alpha Graphic Octal Alpha Graphic ----------------------- ----------------------- 137 _ _ 157 o o 140 \ \ 160 p p 141 a a 161 q q 142 b b 162 r r 143 c c 163 s s 144 d d 164 t t 145 e e 165 u u 146 f f 166 v v 147 g g 167 w w 150 h h 170 x x 151 i i 171 y y 152 j j 172 z z 153 k k 173 { { 154 l l 174 | | 155 m m 175 } } 156 n n 176 ~ ~)A
The following control codes are generated in a special manner:
Octal ASCII Key ------------------- 0 NUL CTRL-Spacebar 36 RS CTRL-~ 37 US CTRL-?
For other keys, see KEYPAD or ASCII
VT100 Help file by A.Daviel, TRIUMF, 2-May-84 Based on VT100 programming reference card, Digital Corp. Converted to HTML 17-FEB-1994 A.Daviel