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The following table represents the ASCII character set (characters with decimal values 0 through 127). Except for SP and HT, the characters with names are nonprintable.

To determine the hexadecimal value of an ASCII character, combine the values in the column (0-7) and the row (0-F) that relate to the character. For example, the value of the character representing the equal sign is 3D(hex).

+------------------------------------------+ | 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 | +---+--------------------------------------+ | 0 | NUL DLE SP 0 @ P ` p | | 1 | SOH DC1 ! 1 A Q a q | | 2 | STX DC2 " 2 B R b r | | 3 | ETX DC3 # 3 C S c s | | 4 | EOT DC4 $ 4 D T d t | | 5 | ENQ NAK % 5 E U e u | | 6 | ACK SYN & 6 F V f v | | 7 | BEL ETB ' 7 G W g w | | 8 | BS CAN ( 8 H X h x | | 9 | HT EM ) 9 I Y i y | | A | LF SUB * : J Z j z | | B | VT ESC + ; K [ k { | | C | FF FS , < L \ l | | | D | CR GS - = M ] m } | | E | SO RS . > N ^ n ~ | | F | SI US / ? O _ o DEL | +---+--------------------------------------+

The characters with names are defined as follows:

NUL Null DC1 Device Control 1(XON) SOH Start of DC2 Device Control 2 Heading STX Start of Text DC3 Device Control 3(XOFF) ETX End of Text DC4 Device Control 4 EOT End of NAK Negative Acknowledge Transmission ENQ Enquiry SYN Synchronous Idle ACK Acknowledge ETB End of Transmission Block BEL Bell CAN Cancel BS Backspace EM End of Medium HT Horizontal Tab SUB Substitute LF Line Feed ESC Escape VT Vertical Tab FS File Separator FF Form Feed GS Group Separator CR Carriage Return RS Record Separator SO Shift Out US Unit Separator SI Shift In SP Space DLE Data Link DEL Delete Escape


The ASCII character set comprises the first half of the DEC Multinational Character Set. The following table represents the second half of the DEC Multinational Character Set (characters with decimal values 128 through 255). These characters cannot be output on some older terminals and printers. Note that the characters with names are nonprintable.

To determine the hexadecimal value of an ASCII character, combine the values in the column (8-F) and the row (0-F) that relate to the character. For example, the value of the character representing the pound sterling sign is A3(hex).

+------------------------------------------+ | 8 9 A B C D E F | +---+--------------------------------------+ | 0 | DCS ° À à | | 1 | PU1 ¡ ± Á Ñ á ñ | | 2 | PU2 ¢ ² Â Ò â ò | | 3 | STS £ ³ Ã Ó ã ó | | 4 | IND CCH Ä Ô ä ô | | 5 | NEL MW ¥ µ Å Õ å õ | | 6 | SSA SPA ¶ Æ Ö æ ö | | 7 | ESA EPA § · Ç × ç ÷ | | 8 | HTS ¨ È Ø è ø | | 9 | HTJ © ¹ É Ù é ù | | A | VTS ª º Ê Ú ê ú | | B | PLD CSI « » Ë Û ë û | | C | PLU ST ¼ Ì Ü ì ü | | D | RI OSC ½ Í Ý í ý | | E | SS2 PM Î î | | F | SS3 APC ¿ Ï ß ï | +---+--------------------------------------+

The characters with names are defined as follows:

IND Index PU1 Private Use 1 NEL Next Line PU2 Private Use 2 SSA Start of STS Set Transmit State Selected Area ESA End of Selected CCH Cancel Character Area HTS Horizontal Tab MW Message Waiting Set HTJ Horizontal SPA Start of Protected Tab Set with Area Justification VTS Vertical Tab EPA End of Protected Set Area PLD Partial Line CSI Control Sequence Down Introducer PLU Partial Line Up ST String Terminator RI Reverse Index OSC Operating System Command SS2 Single Shift 2 PM Privacy Message SS3 Single Shift 3 APC Application DCS Device Control String


The character set specified by the FORTRAN-77 Standard consists of the uppercase letters A through Z, the digits 0 through 9, and the following special characters:

SP (space) , (comma) $ (dollar sign) - (minus sign) ' (apostrophe) . (period) ( (left parenthesis) / (slash) ) (right parenthesis) : (colon) * (asterisk) = (equal sign) + (plus sign)


The Fortran character set includes the entire FORTRAN-77 Standard set plus the lowercase letters a through z (uppercase and lowercase letters are equivalent) and the following special characters:

! (exclamation mark) <Tab> (tab) " (quotation mark) < (left angle bracket) % (percent sign) > (right angle bracket) & (ampersand) _ (underscore)

All printable characters (those in the range 20(hex) through 7E(hex), or A1(hex) through FE(hex)) can appear in comments, character constants, and Hollerith constants.


Printable characters include the tab character (09 hex), those ASCII characters with codes in the range 20(hex) through 7E(hex), and those characters in the DEC Multinational Extension to the ASCII Character Set with codes in the range A1(hex) through FE(hex).

Note that printable characters that are not in the Fortran character set (see Character_Set subtopic FORTRAN) can only appear in comments and character and Hollerith constants.


If nonprintable characters appear anywhere in a Fortran source line or comment, the compiler issues a warning diagnostic and the nonprintable character is replaced with a blank in both the compiled source and the listing, except for the following special cases:

o The form-feed character (0C hex) is treated as a blank without causing a diagnostic message to be issued. In addition, a source record of length 1 containing a form-feed character causes the compilation source listing to begin a new page.

o A source record of length 1 containing a Ctrl-Z character (1A hex) is treated as a blank line. Such a record is created by the ENDFILE statement.

If you must use a nonprintable character in a character constant, use the CHAR intrinsic function (with the concatenation operator, if necessary). For example: