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fortran .HLP


Controls whether the compiler produces informational messages for extensions to the MIA standard, which is a superset of FORTRAN-77. (For more information on MIA extensions, see your user manual.)

Specifying MIA checking enables SYNTAX checking to be performed.


Controls whether the compiler produces informational messages for ANSI standard conforming statements that become nonstandard because of the way in which they are used. Data type information and statement locations are considered when determining semantic extensions.

Specifying SEMANTIC checking enables SYNTAX checking to be performed.


Controls whether the compiler produces informational diagnostics for statements that contain lowercase characters, use tab formatting or are CDEC$ or CPAR$ directives.


Controls whether the compiler produces informational diagnostics for syntax extensions to the current ANSI standard. SYNTAX extensions include nonstandard statements and language constructs.


Requests that informational messages be issued for semantic, source form, and syntax extensions to the current ANSI standard.

Note that if you also want messages for MIA extensions, you must specify /STANDARD=(ALL,MIA).


Same as specifying /NOSTANDARD.