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To invoke a CFIMENU standard file, type

where filename is the name of the file.

N.B. None of the standard command files will work unless the DEFINED PRIMARY ADDRESSES (produced by command FBWHO) are set up. If there is more than one TDC/ADC in the crate, the symbol "TDC" and "ADC" should be set up to be the primary addresses of the required modules. The command DEFINE must be used for this prior to the execution of the standard command file.

Standard CFI files available are as follows:

<ul> <li> INIT.CCM Initializes CFI by calling FMODE,FCAM,FMINI,FBWHO <li> TDCIP.CCM Sets TDC up for input of real data. (same as "IP" command in TCAT_CERN) <li> TDCTS.CCM Sets TDC up for input of test data using CAT (same as "TS" command in TCAT_CERN) <li> ADCIP.CCM Sets ADC up for input of real data. <li> TDCLST.CCM Sets a list up in CFI for reading TDC data only <li> ADCLST.CCM Sets a list up in CFI for reading ADC data only </ul>


A typical command file is shown below. To use this file, the command
would be typed.

 ! Example CFIMENU file
 FWC CAT 1 0		! SINGL - disable test pulses from CAT
 FWC TDC 0 0F403000	! Write all of above in one go
 FWD CAT 4 0		! MPI - set MPI to 0
 FWD CAT 2 83		! FREQ - set frequency to 500MHz (freq. ref.)
 FWC TDC 1 0		! FREQ - set frequency to 500MHz (divide down)
 FWC TDC C0000000 2	! COMP - set compaction parameter to 2
 FWC TDC C0000001 1F	! ACTIV - set readout depth so all channels 
 			! 	 are searched

Examples in using commands CAMAC,BRDRV,FBWHO and REPORT in command files are shown e.g. under HELP CAMAC COMMAND_FILE