To generate an illegal address error (SS=6) during a block transfer operation to Data Memory, a jumper area (JX09,10,11 near J1B2) is used as follows:
Jumpers JX01,2 (near J9J3) select either single cycle or single instruction stepping under control of the Step button on the front panel, when enabled by CSR#0<6>.
Jumpers JX04,5 (near G4C5) select either a DC level or a pulse on the RB line when CSR#0<3> is written.
Jumpers JX12,13,14 selects the Vcc supply voltage for the FASTBUS Cable Segment Receivers. Either 10114 ECL line receivers or F6901 ASICs may be fitted. The F6901 receivers allow more modules to be connected on one cable segment than the 10114s.