SSP II Programmable Logic Devices

The address decoder (8Mb version) (M2A6): Abel source, JEDEC.

The Carry Look-Ahead PAL (J7L5): Abel Source, JEDEC.

PAL1 (J1C1), version with test vectors for 16L8: Abel source, document file, JEDEC.

PAL2 (J1C5), version with test vectors for 16L8: Abel source, document file, JEDEC.

PAL3 (J1C9), version with test vectors for 16L8: Abel source, document file, JEDEC.

PAL4 (F6I9), version with test vectors, modified for SLVSYNC: Abel source, JEDEC.

PAL4 (F6I9), version with test vectors, unmodified : Abel source, JEDEC.

The Control Board microcode: Plain HEX
With MS=0 Block Transfer for 1882 ADCs: Plain HEX, Annotated HEX.

The CPU Board Microcode: Plain HEX
With MS=0 Block Transfer for 1882 ADCs: Plain HEX, Annotated HEX.

The CPU Condition Code PAL (M4F1): Abel source, JEDEC.

The PLD version of a D3003 Carry Look-Ahead using 26V12 (K7F8): Abel source, JEDEC.

Andrew Daviel