INEN - Not Enable. This input is for use with user side arbitration.
If this feature is
not required, tie this pin low. When high PCL use of the user side
busses - BD and OA - is prevented. The PCL will continue to respond to
Primary Addresses, except that Logical Addressing to Data space
involving an IA field will not have the validity of the IA field
checked. SS=0 will be returned and the IA placed in the NTA. All data
cycles (including Secondary Addresses) will result in an SS=1 response
(busy) if IBSY is high, or WT=1 if IBSY is low.
See Section 11.6 for an application note.
ONPR - Not PCL Running. This is for use by user side arbitration logic,
and goes low while
the PCL is using the user busses (OA and BD.) See section 11.6.
OREQ - Request. This is for use by user side arbitration logic,and goes low when
the PCL wants to use the user busses (OA and BD). See section 11.6.