A simple Slave which uses only RAM type user locations, CSRs#0
and 3 may tie IAC2 low and provide just two signals from the NTA
decoder to IAC(1:0). A more complex Slave with FIFO locations, or
CSR#4 or 7 must drive all three inputs. Addresses which are not
implemented must produce the `Not Used' code (2). This will cause the PCL
to produce the appropriate SS
The user's NTA decoder also controls the user's registers,
along with the ORD and OUST signals.
The effect of indicating that a register is a FIFO prevents
incrementing of the NTA during Block and Pipeline transfers. To
indicate the end of data or locations in a FIFO register the user
must change IAC(2:0) to `End of FIFO'.
If a `Not Used' address is arrived at by means of a Block or
Pipelined Transfer, then subsequent Block or Pipelined transfers will
produce SS=2. If a Single Transfer is attempted to or from a `Not
Used' address, an SS=6 is produced. If a Block or Pipelined operation
with a `Not Used' address is attempted after a Single Transfer or
Secondary Address operation, then an SS=6 is generated.
The CSR#4 code uses the `class' register (CSR#7) in a `Device
User Address Register' mode. If this application is preferred in
place of Class N Broadcast addressing, the CSR#7 code should not be
produced by the NTA decoder, and the INCN
line tied high.
See Section 11.15 for an example of an NTA decoder.
A high level on this input when the Slave is already attached will
cause the PCL to inhibit the DK response and user data cycles (while still
asserting AK).
A high level on this input when the Slave is not attached and AK=1
will cause the PCL to issue the DK response and generate user data cycles (as
if it were attached).
This feature is used in Multiblock mode;
see Section 11.8 for an application note.